Every school has a school council-a group focused on helping all students succeed.

School councils are groups of parents, community representatives, teaching and non-teaching employees, students and the school principal. Through the active participation of parents, school councils work to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.

Support for school councils is provided by the Simcoe County District School Board's Parent Involvement Committee.

Why join us on school council?

Involvement in school council is a meaningful, hands-on way to have a direct, positive impact on your teen's educational experience. Research shows that when parents are involved in their teen's education, the level of student achievement increases.

School Council Nomination Form 2023-2024


Parents Guide to Assessment 

Parents/guardians play a crucial role in their child's education. Assessment, evaluation, and reporting are integral parts of a student’s education, providing valuable insights into their progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. This guide is designed to equip parents/guardians with the knowledge and understanding needed to navigate the world of assessment, evaluation, and reporting effectively and empower them to actively engage in their child's educational journey

2023 2024 Feedback Recovery and Improvement.pdf


Council Meeting Dates 

Wednesday September 27th, 2023

Wednesday November 22nd, 2023

Wednesday February 21st, 2024

Wednesday April 17th, 2024

Wednesday May 29th, 2024


2023 2024 School Council Meeting Minutes

School Council Minutes Draft April 18 2024.pdf

2023 2024 School Council Minutes February 21 2024.pdf

My Blueprint Presentation.pdf

2023 2024 School Council November 22 2024.pdf

2023 2024 Sept 27th School Council Minutes.pdf

2023 2024 School Council Agendas

School Council Agenda May Draft(1).pdf

School Council Agenda April Draft.pdf

Ten Options Flyer 03252024.pdf

2023 2024 School Council Agenda February 21 2024.pdf

February Draft School Council Agenda.pdf

2023 2024 School Council Agenda November 22nd.pdf




School Council Minutes June 7th, 2023 

Parent Council Minutes April 20 2023.pdf

School Council Minutes February 23rd, 2023

School Council Minutes November 17th, 2022

School Council Minutes September 29th, 2022


September 30, 2021

November 18, 2021


Thursday, October 2, 2020
Thursday November 26, 2020
Thursday, February 25, 2021.pdf
Thursday, April 22, 2021
June 3 2021

Annual Report

Annual Report 2020-2021


School Council Annual Report 2022-2023


Supporting the Well-Being of our SCDSB Students, Staff, and Families (Google Slides Document)